Business Moments

Business Moments

Creative Designer

Building Construction Team, Snapchat

London, United Kingdom — 2022

○ Flexible Visual & Motion Design System

○ 3D Material Design & Colouring

Attempting a new visual method in Business Moments with Strategic Mindset

Business Moments offer opportunities for brands on Snapchat during times of increased engagement across EMEA markets for 2023, such as Valentine's day, easter and Halloween.

Explored building a creative system using grids, motion, and 3D illustration while considering both our core brand principles and displaying cultural moments for each celebration. Established a modular system allowing anyone to change the layout and replace the 3D illustrations easily and efficiently.

Creative Designer Brand Maker Studio, Snapchat London, United Kingdom — 2022
Attempting a new visual method in Business Moments with Strategic Mindset
Business Moments offer opportunities for brands on Snapchat during times of increased engagement across EMEA markets for 2023, such as Valentine's day, easter and Halloween.

Explored building a creative system using grids, motion, and 3D illustration while considering both our core brand principles and displaying cultural moments for each celebration. Established a modular system allowing anyone to change the layout and replace the 3D illustrations easily and efficiently.

©Sally Yang


©Sally Yang